Nicolas Dubray
  • C++, C#, C, Java, Python, Assembler
  • DirectX
Bild på Nicolas

Hello visitor(s)!

My name is Nicolas Dubray, just like the URL and logo for the site says!

During my childhood and my teenage years I grew up with a great interest in stories and storytelling, and the medium of computer games was, and still is, a favorite medium of mine for experiencing/performing stories/storytelling. Whatever the medium, however, I tendended, then as now, to prefer stories with some intellectual and/or emotional depth.

In my initial search for university programs, I felt, partly because of my close relationship with computers while growing up, that I would not be really content with living in a world where it IT is ubiquitous unless I understand and can work with IT, both broadly and at some depth, so I felt that a hefty civil engineer IT education would probably suit me best.

The following fall I started studying IT at the Royal Institute of Technology, but I came to doubt that their pogram was really the most suitable one for me in Sweden, and a year later I began to instead study the then newly started IT program focused on game development at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, with which I felt more at the right place.

Even if I, when/if I have the role as a game programmer and/or game designer, see a value in just being able to offer people entertainment via games, I hope that some day I will manage to carry out, or contribute to, projects that I think many people would experience as having a positive impact on them, intellectually and/or emotionally.

My main hobbies are fiction-writing (e.g. I am working on a tragic "low fantasy", "hard sci-fi" techno-thriller that I intend to turn into an interactive "audiovisual Novel"), game programming, computer games, film/series-watching, book-reading, and my main interests are science and technology (especially in relation to transhumanism) and philosophy.

Most of all, career-wise, I hope to finding one ore more jobs where I feel that I am really contributing and where I can form good relationships with my colleagues and thus a sense of belonging, friendship, and team spirit. I like to work in both small and large groups, and thereby taking in the views of others and, ideally, constructive criticism.

I hope you have found or will find something of interest on my site, which is still under construction. Check this site again during the next several days and/or the next few weeks if you would like to see further additions to the site.