Nicolas Dubray
  • C++, C#, C, Java, Python, Assembler
  • DirectX
Bild på 'Ultimate Coffee'

The Glob - Big game project

During a course during which students were tasked to develop a "big game project", I and four fellow students developed a 4-player survival/action co-op with a sci-fi B-movie theme, called "The Glob - It Came from the Dessert!" I was mostly responsible for graphics programming and graphics asset handling (skeletal animation, morph animation, model/level-loading), as well as some modelling and animation. My team was the only team that did not end up with a graphics artist of any kind, and it was also the smallest team, hence the unfortunate necessity of me and another programmer having to spend a significant amount of time performing non-programming tasks, learning some about Maya and Blender along the way.

The Glob - Trailer

The Glob - My code for deferred rendering, animation techniques, instanced rendering, and model management (using the FBX SDK)

Bild på 'Ultimate Coffee'

Crackman - Agile-developed game

During a course about agile development, I and three fellow students were tasked by our teachers, who acted as clients, to develop a game, which they wanted to be playable on both Windows and Linux, in which one would play as "a yellow character who can walk about, eat pills, and who has to avoid enemies". I and my team developed a Pacman-like game about a character, called "Crackman", whose goal is to reach the highest drug-induced high (and highest highscore), while avoiding or consuming his drug-fueled inner demons. I was mostly responsible for writing the OpenGL renderer and for creating and animating the graphics of the game.

Crackman - Trailer

Crackman - The Game

Crackman - Source code

Crackman - My code for the OpenGL renderer

Bild på 'Ultimate Coffee'

Ultimate Coffee - Level editor

During a course about interfaces and game editing tools students were tasked with developing some kind of editing tool for an existing or hypothetical game. I and three fellow students developed an editor whose creative capacity we limited to the transformation of 3D objects. I was mostly responsible for designing and programming visual 3D manipulators by which the user of the editor can translate, rotate, and scale 3D objects using mouse clicks and mouse movements, as well as a GUI panel through which one could perform the same tasks by way of inputting numbers for the aforementioned transforms.

YouTube-video #1

YouTube-video #2

Ultimate Coffee - Release version

Ultimate Coffee - Source code

Ultimate Coffee - My code for the 3D manipulators

Bild på 'Mirror Match'

Mirror Match - Small game project

During a course during which students were tasked with developing a small game project, I and three fellow students developed a multiplayer deathmatch game in which players fight against each other using ray weapons, whose rays bounce about in the levels. The game was programmed using XNA, and I was mostly responsible for some of the gameplay code and some of the graphics code.

Mirror Match - Installer

Mirror Match - Source

Bild på 'Raytracer'

Raytracer - GPGPU hobby project

Alongside my studies I am currently working on a GPGPU project, utilizing DirectX, that is currently taking the form of raytracer, although I plan to also add in physics and possibly hair rendering during the remainder of the year.

Raytracer - Video

Bild på 'Audio Project'

Audio project

During a course in sound programming students were tasked to develop something like a basic sound engine and an application there of, to load and play sounds, preferably using a low-level audio library and with one's own implementation for 3D sound. I developed a small test environment with a two-eared listener viewed from a third-person perspective. Press the numpad keys to activate a sound (5 activates background music), and press W, A, S, D to walk and turn the listener about and R or F to move it up or down.

Audio Project - Release

Audio Project - Sourcecode sample - 3D sound, etc.

Bild på en hemsida


During courses in web programming and database interaction via the web, students were tasked with creating a personal for fun and for testing various HTML5, CSS, and SQL techniques, a site for a burial museum utilizing similar techniques, as well as a portfolio site that was to adhere to responsive design principles. The last site mentioned is the one you are on now, and should work in multiple browsers and on mobile devices. Note that these courses were not about web design, and so not a lot of effort was put into trying to make any of the sites look good. The site(s) linked to below were primarily tested in Mozilla Firefox.

HTML5, CSS, & SQL test site